Explore the Health Benefits of Green Gram

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Green Gram

Green gram, scientifically known as Vigna radiata, is a type of legume belonging to the Fabaceae family. It is also commonly called mung bean, moong bean, or simply green gram. Green gram is a small, round, green seed that is widely cultivated in different parts of the world, especially in Asia. It is a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Some of the common ways green gram used in India are: Dal (lentil curry), sprouts, curries and gravies, pancakes and crepes, snacks and fritters, sweets and desserts, idlis and dosas.

Nutrient Profile:

Green gram is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. It is especially rich in B vitamins, including folate, which is critical for DNA synthesis and cellular function. In addition, green gram provides a significant amount of iron, promotes the formation of healthy red blood cells and prevents anemia. The presence of potassium contributes to proper heart function and blood pressure control, while magnesium supports muscle and nerve function. Zinc, another important mineral found in green gram, plays a vital role in immune system health and wound healing. Furthermore, the legume is an excellent source of protein, providing plant-based nutrition for muscle development and repair.

Health Benefits:

1.Rich in Protein:

Green gram is an excellent plant-based source of protein, critical for muscle development, repair and overall body growth. It is especially valuable for vegetarians and vegans who want alternative protein options.

2.High in fiber:

The high fiber content in green lentils promotes digestive health by preventing constipation and supporting a healthy gut microbiome. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for people managing diabetes.

3.Packed with vitamins and minerals:

Green gram is a good source of various vitamins including B vitamins (folate, thiamin, niacin) and vitamin K. It also contains important minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Balanced nutrient intake.

4.Supports heart health:

The combination of potassium and magnesium in green lentils helps regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems. The fiber content also helps in lowering cholesterol levels.

5.Aids weight management:

Green gram is low in calories and fat, but high in fiber and protein, making it a satisfying and nutritious choice for those aiming to maintain or lose weight.

6.Balances Blood Sugar Levels:

The complex carbohydrates and fiber in green gram contribute to gradual and steady energy release, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes.

7.Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Green gram contains antioxidants that help combat inflammation in the body, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases associated with inflammation.

8.Boosts Immune Function:

The presence of zinc and other immune-supportive nutrients in green gram contributes to a robust immune system, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses.

9.Promotes Skin Health:

The vitamins and antioxidants in green gram contribute to healthy skin by combating free radicals, supporting collagen production, and promoting a clear complexion.

10.Regulates Mood and Stress:

Green gram contains nutrients that play a role in neurotransmitter synthesis, potentially contributing to improved mood and stress management.


From supporting digestive health and regulating blood sugar levels to promoting heart health and aiding in weight management, green gram proves to be a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Whether in its whole form, as sprouts, or incorporated into a variety of recipes, green gram provides a delicious and nutritious way to improve the nutritional profile of a meal. Green gram has emerged as a sustainable and health-conscious choice that contributes to a holistic approach to nutrition and overall vitality.

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